Cara Memasang Auto Reload Halaman Blog Di Blogspot - DP BBM 23


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Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Cara Memasang Auto Reload Halaman Blog Di Blogspot

DP BBM 23 adalah sebuah blog gratis, yang menyajikan seputar kata - kata, DP BBM, AdSense, Blogger, Tutorial, Windows 10, ISO, Theme Windows 10!! dan saat ini kamu sedang membuka halaman Cara Memasang Auto Reload Halaman Blog Di Blogspot, Semoga membantu & bermanfaat!!

1. BNB FAUCOIN - GET 10000 BNB free!

Link : BNB FAUCOIN - GET 10000 free!

Misi : The mission is to just open the site every 1 hour, to claim BNB for free, by pressing ROLL according to the instructions listed on the site, if you are lucky you will get 10000 BNB randomly, so often you open it every 1 hour so that you get lucky 10000 BNB for free.



Misi : This cryptocurrency mining site you only need to register for free, after you register, let the system work by itself to mine coins.

Here you can mine: Bitcoin (BTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), Tron (TRX), Litecoin (LTC), for free running itself.

You need to remember, on this site there is another mission, namely a claim mission every 1 hour, so don't miss it, once every 1 hour you open the site then open the tab on the left, and click the claim button then you can claim 4 cryptocurrencies for free!

3. xFaucet - Claim every 10 minutes

Link : xFaucet - Claim every 10 minutes

Misi : On this 3rd mining site, the same as the others, namely first you are required to register, after successful registration, your task is very easy, which is just to claim every 10 minutes.

On this site, what you can claim is: Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Stellar, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Binance Coin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Tron, all of which you can claim for FREE!!

Investment Ivans Contract site

Link : Investment Ivans Contract Site

Misi : On this ivan contract site, it's not complicated, you only need to register first using an active email, after successful registration, you just do the missions easily, such as sharing to facebook, wahtsapp, following the official ivan contract account, sharing to youtube, share with friends (using referral links), etc., each mission is rewarded from 1000-2000 and even 3000!

Not only that! at the time of initial registration you will be given a balance of 105, of which 100,000 balances will automatically be used as investment capital for 2 months with an income of 196,000, and of which 5000 will be stored in your main balance! if you want to get more, you just share your referral link with your friends, you will be rewarded with 1000/1 friends!.

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DP BBM 23 in the last 7 days

    Baca Juga

    DP BBM 23 - Cara Memasang Auto Reload Halaman Blog Di Blogspot - Hallo selamat pagi dan selamat berkunjung kembali di blog DP BBM 23, setelah beberapa hari lalu membahas dan berbagi mengenai Cara Mengatur Logo Blog Menjadi Responsive pada tutorial kali ini DP BBM 23 akan berbagi Cara Memasang Auto Reload Halaman Blog Di Blogspot dimana nantinya sobat bisa mengatur berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk refresh halaman blog...

    Cara Memasang Auto Reload Halaman Blog Di Blogspot

    Fungsi auto refresh / auto reload atau juga memuat ulang halaman secara otomatis sering kita temui bukan hanya pada sistem operasi seperti Windows namun juga pada browser internet yang kita gunakan saat ini... Contoh refresh halaman pada browser internet pernah Saya temui di forum Kaskus ketika membuka salah satu forum dan jika di forum tersebut terdapat update dari thread baru, biasanya forum akan me-refresh halaman secara otomatis... dan sayapun menerapkannya diblog ini, hehe

    Dengan menerapkan trik ini sobat tidak perlu menekan tombol refresh pada browser karena akan dilakukan secara otomatis... Bagi yang ingin mencobanya silakan ikuti langkah berikut ini :

    Cara Memasang Auto Reload Halaman Blog Di Blogspot

    1. Login ke Blogger > Buka Template > Klik Edit HTML > Kemudian cari kode <head> > Tambahkan kode berikut ini tepat di bawah atau setelah kode <head>

    <meta content='100' http-equiv='refresh'/>

    2. Jika ingin menambahkan fungsi ini bekerja pada halaman tertentu, silakan tambahkan tag kondisional pada kode meta di atas... Contoh :

    <b:if cond='data:blog.homepageUrl == data:blog.url'>
    <meta content='100' http-equiv='refresh'/>

    3. Setelah ditambahkan, simpan template dan lihat hasilnya...


    1. Kode di atas, content="100" yang artinya angka 100 menunjukkan bahwa proses refresh akan dilakukan dalam rentang waktu 100 detik... Angka ini jangan diatur terlalu cepat karena bisa membuat pengunjung terganggu apabila halaman terlalu cepat di refresh...
    2. Untuk kode dan cara lainnya bisa sobat baca pada postingan Cara Memasang Auto Refresh Halaman Blogspot Tanpa JavaScript

    Demikian tutorial sederhana tentang Cara Memasang Auto Reload Halaman Blog Di Blogspot, yang dapat admin blog DP BBM 23 sampaikan dipagi buta ini, selamat mencoba...

    ⬇️ Mining Crypto and Investment ⬇️

    1. BNB FAUCOIN - GET 10000 BNB free!

    Link : BNB FAUCOIN - GET 10000 free!

    Misi : The mission is to just open the site every 1 hour, to claim BNB for free, by pressing ROLL according to the instructions listed on the site, if you are lucky you will get 10000 BNB randomly, so often you open it every 1 hour so that you get lucky 10000 BNB for free.



    Misi : This cryptocurrency mining site you only need to register for free, after you register, let the system work by itself to mine coins.

    Here you can mine: Bitcoin (BTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), Tron (TRX), Litecoin (LTC), for free running itself.

    You need to remember, on this site there is another mission, namely a claim mission every 1 hour, so don't miss it, once every 1 hour you open the site then open the tab on the left, and click the claim button then you can claim 4 cryptocurrencies for free!

    3. xFaucet - Claim every 10 minutes

    Link : xFaucet - Claim every 10 minutes

    Misi : On this 3rd mining site, the same as the others, namely first you are required to register, after successful registration, your task is very easy, which is just to claim every 10 minutes.

    On this site, what you can claim is: Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Stellar, Bitcoin Cash, Dash, Binance Coin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Tron, all of which you can claim for FREE!!

    Investment Ivans Contract site

    Link : Investment Ivans Contract Site

    Misi : On this ivan contract site, it's not complicated, you only need to register first using an active email, after successful registration, you just do the missions easily, such as sharing to facebook, wahtsapp, following the official ivan contract account, sharing to youtube, share with friends (using referral links), etc., each mission is rewarded from 1000-2000 and even 3000!

    Not only that! at the time of initial registration you will be given a balance of 105, of which 100,000 balances will automatically be used as investment capital for 2 months with an income of 196,000, and of which 5000 will be stored in your main balance! if you want to get more, you just share your referral link with your friends, you will be rewarded with 1000/1 friends!.

    thumbnail Title : Cara Memasang Auto Reload Halaman Blog Di Blogspot
    Posted by : Unknown
    Published : 2018-01-30T03:17:00+07:00
    Rating : 90.5%
    View All Pages : 99.8%/Days 90.2% Votes

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